Apartment repair Specialized Repair

As part of the specialized repair of the apartment, measures and work are carried out to restore the appearance and performance of individual devices and communications, interior and decor elements, partial redevelopment, permissible points of the design of the structure and the rules of operation of residential premises. The costs of specialized repairs, as well as the terms of its conduct, depend on the nature of the necessary work. Specialized repairs in the apartment can be planned or urgent, depending on the type of work. Most often, specialized repairs are carried out to replace windows and doors, restore or replace communications, engineering equipment, install additional elements of equipment.

Replacing windows today is one of the most common types of apartment renovation. The distribution of double -glazed windows has led to mass replacements of outdated frames of type «carpentry». Replacing the interior doors is carried out in the interests of establishing and maintaining the style of housing design, most reasonable to replace the interior doors, as well as the replacement of windows at once in all available openings.