Build a hut block house
The construction of a house from this material will not be difficult and will not take much time. Due to its size, construction from a cinder block is moving rapidly. But if you have chosen, to build a house, it is this material, you need to know its pros and cons of. The pluses include greater money saving on the material, prostate in use, solution of solution, as well as that if you knock out the bottom, you can strengthen the wall with reinforcement and pour concrete. By the way, if you want to get fast money, then on the site — you can take a loan at any time. Pass the specified link for more detailed information. Well, here it seems and all the pluses now move on to the negative, namely to the minuses. Due to the void inside the cinder block, heat transfer is lost, and the room becomes cold. Walls built from a cinder block are not very durable and you can not put a slab for flooring on them. Or if you still decide on such a step, you just need to strongly strengthen the walls to avoid collapse.
Когда же дело дойдет до облицовки фасада, то вам будет затруднительно повесить навесной фасад, так как стенки шлакоблока тонкие из-за пустот внутри и анкерный шуруп держаться не будет. For the convenience of finishing, it is best to use expanded clay, siding or something like that. I also want to note the quality of the material, because many firms, for savings, simply do not fill up the necessary amount of cement. And then the slag block can be simply sparkled with your hands, and it is not recommended to build from it at all.
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