Build the foundation from blocks
In cases where the construction of a massive base is not required to build a building, you can use the foundation from blocks. Special blocks for the foundation are hollow and continuous. This option is not only very simple, but also financially affordable. This option has a lot of advantages. True, there is a restriction on the construction of such a foundation. The fact is that at the place of its arrangement there should be dense and dry soil. Otherwise, the foundation of blocks may simply fall apart, which will entail the destruction of the house itself. Now a lot of people visit the site is very popular.
The construction of the formwork such the basis of the building does not require. Therefore, you do not need to spend extra money and work. In addition, in concrete in this case you can also save well. There is no need and renting special equipment. True, you will need a lifting crane. Construction is preceded by digging trenches, in which blocks for the foundation are laid. When determining the size of the trench, the data should be guided by the project of the built house, as well as the size of the blocks themselves. This stage needs to be approached very responsibly. Before installing the blocks, the trench should be covered with rubble, and then compact it very well. Crushed stone also needs to be filled with sand, the layer of which should be from 15 to 20 centimeters. But it is imperative to ensure that the level of adding throughout the trench is the same. These were only preparatory work. After them, you can start installing blocks with a tap. They must be placed at a minimum distance from each other. The seams formed between the blocks should be sealed using a cement mortar. A solid reinforced slab can be laid under the blocks if the project of the house provides for a basement or base.
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