Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Frame bath

Bath construction requires a lot of effort and time. Often this process takes more than one year. Waiting for a shrinkage of a powerful foundation requires a lot of time. The best option would be the construction of a frame bath. Such a bathhouse is built much easier and faster than, for example, a log. Like any construction, the construction of the bath begins with the foundation. A powerful base is not required for a frame bath, it is enough to lay a light foundation. This is usually reinforced concrete.

After hardening, it is necessary to lay several layers of waterproofing material. Next, you can proceed to the structure of the floor, t. e. Laying the lag. The frame of the bath itself is built from a wooden beam. The beam should be of the optimal size so that the thermal insulation material can be laid. Suitable, for example, mineral wool. The bath should keep heat for a long time. It must be taken into account that where the stove will stand, you need to make a brick wall. The last stage is the construction of the roof. It is mainly built from boards, or chipboard. It also needs to be insulated. For external coating, it is allowed to use any roofing material. The bath has always been valued by its wellness properties. Build a frame bath in a short time even a beginner.

About the author

I was born on July 24, 1975 in a small mining town located in the Kemerovo region. In a turning point in 1992 he graduated from a school with a silver medal and decided not only to enter a higher educational institution, but to radically change his life. To embody the ambitious plans, I had to attach

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