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Kraman-panel-panel construction technology

But the differences between them lie mainly in marketing positioning, without reflecting technological differences, but they still have very significant.

There are several types of frame construction. Canadian scraps usually mean construction based on a metal or wooden frame. It would be more correct to call it a frame-frame technology. Among other things, it is assumed that thermal insulation material (usually mineral wool slabs), as well as moisture — windproof films are mounted already at the construction site itself. However, the most convenient method is the frame-panel method of construction. As a rule, this is called «Finnish house».

He suggests «assembly» houses on the construction site. That is, multi -layer wall panels made in the factory are taken to the construction site and collected there in a single design.

At the same time, the structure of the panels itself deserves attention. It already includes not only insulation, but also steam, hydro — and windproof films. As a heater, polystyrene foam or mineral wool of a plate type thick is used at least 150 mm thick.

In addition, channels for engineering communications are immediately made in the panels, door and window openings are arranged.

It should be remembered that in houses that are built using frame technology, it is very important to provide good ventilation. Such buildings are sealed, and unlike the brick walls, their panels do not accumulate heat. Therefore, in winter they are not recommended to ventilate – It’s just cooling the room. For normal air exchange, it is necessary to arrange a high-quality system of forced ventilation of the supply and exhaust type, equipped with a recuperator, that is, a device that will transmit heat from the air diverted from the room with a cooler supply air. It is important to provide high -quality ventilation because wooden structures without constant access of fresh air can be prone to rotting.