Home wireless alarm

Usually, when buying a house or apartment, we often forget about the need to have alarm in it or just think that we have nothing particularly valuable to be interested in thieves. But time passes, we get out with good expensive things, thoughts about the value of life appear, and at this moment we usually think about alarm. What to do if we do not want to spoil the repair with ugly new holes, all sorts of wires and other equipment? The answer is simple: set a wireless alarm.

Advantages of wireless alarm

— Installation does not require specialists’ intervention, you can do everything yourself

— Saving money due to independent installation. Sometimes the services of specialists are as well as the equipment itself

— Simple and convenient in tuning, connecting and operating (instructions are attached)

— In order to install a wireless alarm, you do not need to have special skills, and even more so license

— A wireless alarm can always be supplemented with different elements, this allows you to select equipment, its purpose and quantity

Features of a wireless alarm

Such an alarm can be purchased at any specialized store, in full configuration. Wireless alarms are most often installed in dachas, country houses, apartments and small offices.

Wireless signaling principle

The premises in which the owner wants to install the alarm are equipped with special sensors, which in turn will be connected to the central block. In the event of a fire in the house, a gas leak, unauthorized penetration and t. D., One of the sensors is triggered. After that, the signal is transmitted to the central block, and a notification to the owner is already sent from it, through SMS alert.

You can purchase wireless alarms on the site. If you have no time to install it, you can order and install it on the same site.