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How to choose an anti -mosquito net on a plastic window

There are several ways to combat mosquitoes, midges and other winged insects. They can be divided into three types: electronic, chemical and mechanical. Chemicals – These are various sprays, ointments, etc. Electronic tools – These are devices that emit the sound of a certain frequency.

This sound is not captured by a person, but for insects it turns out to be a destructive. Mosquito nets include mosquito networks. As a rule, these nets are made of fiberglass. It is fixed on a structure made of light aluminum. The net becomes strong and durable and at the same time acquires a beautiful view.

Mosquito nets can be installed both on windows and doorways. Mosquito nets are frame and roll. The frame type grid is attached outside the window with the help of brackets. It tightly adjacent to the frame and, thus, the window opening is completely covered. Rolled nets are also made of fiberglass. They are twisted into a roll and hidden in a special box.

Когда возникает необходимость, сетку нужно выдвинуть из короба и зафиксировать внизу специальными защелками. Framatic mosquito nets are cheaper than roller. But installation must be carried out every time after removal. And the roller grid can simply be hidden if there is no need for it. Installation is done once.