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I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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How to choose overalls for working construction specialties

Regulatory documents regulate the mandatory use of workwear by workers and various personal protective equipment, which protect builders from hazardous factors. At the same time, each construction specialty has its own special types of workwear.

When buying overalls, you should not save, since poor -quality clothes that do not have the necessary protective properties are potentially dangerous and can even lead to tragic situations. It is important to understand that high -quality overalls – not only the protection of the builder, but also the provision of more comfortable conditions. Those who order overhaul of apartments from construction companies should also check if workers have the required clothing. This is important for safety, including your repair.

Overalls of the camer – This is a set of overalls, helmets and a special unit, which should have high shafts and a thick sole.

And, finally, the main feature of workwear and the welder of the welder is that it is made of refractory materials. Basically, the tarpaulin is saturated with a special fire. In addition, in a set of workwear, a special helmet is required to protect the head from sparks.