How to make window slopes

An important part of the work performed when changing windows are window­braids. For the window opening, they are an integral part, so after the installation of new windows, it is necessary to carry out finishing work. Without slopes, the window block cannot be left for a long time, even on condition that the gaps are treated with mounting foam. Foam under the influence of rain, changes in temperature, wind and sun become unreliable and loose. According to building materials, slopes distinguish: plastic, plastered, GIP­Sockets.

Plutted slopes

Such slopes can have any shape and repeat exactly the contour of the window frame. The main advantage of plastered slopes is that they are suitable for from­cases of opening and internal and external. Plassing is carried out cement-sand­solution. The disadvantages include a long time for their finishing: from the beginning they must be putty, after which the surface is cleaned with sandpaper, then it is primed and painted and painted.

Plasterboard slopes

Slopes from drywall are applicable only indoors. And make them from moisture resistant drywall. Installation of these slopes will not take much time, but they also need to be putty, cleaned and painted with acrylic or oil red­koy.

Plastic slopes

These slopes of plastic panels are made, so restore slopes in this way the fastest. There are a wide selection today, by­it is very easy to choose the material necessary in color. And very simple for the plate­Care to care for the panels. They do not require paints and they will fit into the interior of each room wonderful.