Installation of lighting systems in a country house or city apartment

The installation of lighting, as you know, is one of the most important parts of any repair. In order to carry out all the repair work associated with the installation of lighting devices, you need to not only be able to do it, but also know how to do it right.

Today we would like to give you some tips on this issue.

The first thing to decide is the number and type of lighting devices that you intend to mount in a whole apartment or in a separate room. Calculations and drawings are quite simple if you think about it and slowly calculate all the nuances. The scheme you drawn up in advance should also include moments that relate to switches, sockets, quantity (total length) of the cable and wires.

As for the lighting installation, many experts advise to do several boxes at once. Thus, you will not get any confusion, and everything will look, as they say, is much better and more estrate.

If we talk about choosing a cable and wires, then, of course, without an experienced advice of a master, a newcomer cannot be done in any way. If you have a familiar master who is well versed in the wiring and similar issues, then you should certainly ask for his advice or a detailed recommendation.

But as for the purchase of wires, then we would advise you not to run immediately to the nearest store and not to complain to high prices there. Better to pay attention to the site. Here KVVGE, KVBBSHV, KVVGN will buy very simple. There are numerous types of cables and wires, so any of you, whether you are a specialist or beginner will find what you need for your repair.