Make the apartment repair yourself or hire a brigade?

Each person made repairs at least once in his life. Some are just tired of the environment, in another case, the repair is simply necessary.

But whatever the motives of the start of repair work, you need to solve the question: who will do? Entrust it to outsiders, but to specialists, or do everything with your own hands?

This is mainly solved by the thickness of the wallet. The approximate cost of repair can be found in a construction company. But they will call the figure very approximate. For a more accurate figure, you need to know the area of ​​the room, what materials will be needed, what work will be performed. If the amount suits you, then you can invite a specialist to compile an estimate. But if there is not enough money to pay for work, then you can try to do everything yourself. I would like to immediately note that not all work is possible not for a specialist.

When choosing a construction company, not everything is so unambiguous. If there is no problem in money, then your path is only in a solid company that has vast experience in repair work, highly qualified specialists, the necessary equipment. You will have to pay a lot, but the excellent result will be guaranteed.

It is very good if your friends recently made repairs and they were satisfied with the result. But still, read the repair personally. If everything suits you, then find out the address and go to the company. You can see reviews on construction forums on the Internet.

But not everyone can afford to hire people for repair. So you will save a lot of money. At the very beginning, make a list of the necessary work, what and how much materials you need. So you can determine the amount necessary for the purchase of materials. Today it is not difficult to find not only a description and tips for each type of work, but also watch videos on the Internet. But if there is no time or desire to engage in repair, then the company ASK Trian — design and repair of apartments in Moscow will help you with this. Here you can order design development and they will do all the work.