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Plastic or wood

A few years ago, most Russians in the apartments stood the windows remaining from Soviet times in wooden frames, which need to be carefully glued with a newspaper so that the wind did not conceive. Now there is an opportunity in winter not to worry about the cold, but in the summer — about the heat, because ordinary windows are gaining popularity of the alternative — plastic windows.

What are they so good? Firstly, the material from which they are made (polyvinyl chloride) for a long time does not lose its properties, that is, it remains hermetic. In addition, there are metal-plastic types of windows, which are much stronger than PVC.

Secondly, as already mentioned, such windows are hermetic, there will be no main problem — drafts. Such windows perfectly isolate heat and sound. These properties are achieved using rubber gaskets — seals.

Thirdly, they are completely safe and do not harm health, because each window production company undergoes a certification procedure for environmentally friendly.

Fourthly, windows can be selected for your interior, since there are a great many options for their design. It is also not a problem if you have non -standard window openings — you can choose any window to order.

It is important to add that the polyvinyl chloride used for windows does not ignite. They do not burst, paint does not fly from them, insulation is not required.

Such windows do not need special care, the main thing is to care for the windowsills, slopes and glass itself. And they only require washing. It will also be pleasant for many to hear that every year it becomes easier to purchase them, prices are reduced. If you still doubt which windows you choose, then we think your doubts with the help of our article are slowly dispersed.

If you want to order a geodetic survey of the area in Kyiv, then you should visit the website of the company «Engineering Problem» Inbud. Kiev. . On the site you can also order topographic and geodetic work, geological research.