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Plastic windows

With modern repair work, plastic windows have become the most convenient modern systems passing light. With their help in the room, the perfect temperature in the cold season remains in the room. They also have the opportunity to regulate the optimal ventilation mode in hot weather. They do not require especially attentive care and for many years can maintain an attractive appearance. Plastic windows installed in the house, in the production room or office, will bring many positive emotions, their harmonious addition of the interior and functional advantages.

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PVC is made of polyvinyl chloride, which is after a long -strong polymer, the date of the creation of which is in 1835. It was invented by a German chemist regenald. It is actively used in the manufacture of plastic windows only from the beginning in the twentieth century. The first windows from this material were installed in Germany and the USA.

In the seventies of the last century, during the energy crisis, plastic windows got a leading place in popularity, since the owners of buildings were able to save on the heating of the premises. To date, the market offers many different options for plastic windows.