Positive qualities of polymeric sexes

Excellent mechanical strength (for bending, compression, blow, etc. D.).Durability, quite long life. Polymer floors — perfectly compensate for vibrations, due to their elasticity. Complete monolithic. The complete absence of seams. Excellent clutch with the base. Perfectly possible flatness of the floor. The perfect transparency of varnishes on the final layer. A huge mass of design solutions, the ability to create a fully exclusive sample. Excellent water resistance, there are no seams where the water could penetrate. High chemical resistance. The speed of creation., This includes:

a) simplicity of application;

b) accessibility;

c) the possibility of creating all layers within one day. The ability to use in a wide temperature range from -40 up to +100 degrees. Environmental friendliness. Fire safety. High level of economy, relatively small price plus decent durability, makes polymer floors economically profitable. We see that the technology of creating polymeric floors is quite simple and such a gender has a lot of positive characteristics. Polymer floors are an excellent modern choice. The possibility of applying unimaginable design solutions, makes such a floor especially attractive. Apply such a technology, maybe even a person does not have special vocational training, here the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.