Stucked walls

People understood many years ago — so that the heat of the room was preserved, as long as possible, the walls need to be smeared with something. Instead of plaster, then a mixture of hay with clay was used. It looked softly not very beautiful. But the effect of heat conservation was noticeable. Later, people opened cement, then the usual one appeared for us — plaster. Plaster — a mixture of cement with alabastr and lime. Thanks to this particular chemical mixture, your walls will remain even and will have a high quality heat. To get started, you will need buckets for mixing a solution, a punch, with a nozzle that will help get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Well, of course, spatulas.

Plaster is also used to align walls and ceilings. Leveling walls and ceilings using plaster is inexpensive. By clicking on the given link to the website of the company «Hands in order», you can order the alignment of walls and ceiling from experienced professionals.

On the spatula, take a fairly large part of the resulting mixture. It should be applied evenly by smooth movements along the entire wall. To help yourself, you can install metal beacons along the wall. This will prevent errors when leveling. If the walls are even, then just smear bumps. Before gluing the wallpaper, it is advisable to whistle the walls, otherwise the irregularities will stand out hard. Moreover, this must be done if you decide not to glue the wallpaper, but simply to paint the walls.