Stucked wooden walls

Plaster of wooden walls can be carried out immediately after the construction of the house. However, the wooden walls of the house, erected from logs, are plastered after a secondary hemp and a complete sitting of the walls. And this, as a rule, takes at least a year.

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The plaster of wooden walls begins with the preparation of the surface. For this, the walls are cleaned of dust and dirt, various kinds of spots. After that, notes are made on the surface of the walls, which will ensure the coupling of the material. Next, the installation of the crate is made, the size of the cells of which is 4×4 centimeters. The stuffing of the rails is carried out at an angle of 450 relative to the floor. After completing the installation of the crate, you should proceed to the preparation of the solution. For plastering wooden walls, a limed-gypsum solution or lime-cement mortar is used. After preparing the solution, you should proceed to applying the plaster. For this, the surface of the wall is primed, lighthouses are set. Next, a layer of plaster is carried out, which should not exceed two or three centimeters. With an increase in the thickness of the plaster layer, it is necessary to use the reinforcing mesh to avoid the appearance of cracks and damage.