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The use of concrete in the construction of residential buildings

Any construction does not do without concrete. Various structures for buildings are made from it.

The foundations of buildings are also poured with concrete. External decoration of the walls of private houses is made from options for light concrete solutions.

Concrete has several varieties. They depend on its strength, stability, density and amount of impurities. For the manufacture of buildings structures, durable concrete beams and slabs are used. This ensures the durability of the construction, which will be built from such concrete. When erecting locks and dams, concrete coatings are used from special concrete, which are resistant to constant exposure to water. For special strength, reinforcement is added to such solutions. Reinforced concrete beams and ceilings are widely used in all types of construction.

Concrete is sold by companies specializing in the construction of residential buildings. At the same time, the quality of the purchased finished concrete will be an order of magnitude higher than if it is kneaded on its own.

For the manufacture of concrete solution, builders use washed sand and crushed stone without impurities. And the use of concrete mixers allows you to obtain a solution of high strength and good quality. Properly selected components of which the concrete solution consists of, and the calculation of the dosage of impurities will allow us to obtain concrete, which will be resistant to different conditions of climate and humidity. And when transporting the uniformity of the finished solution does not suffer.

When erecting buildings, two options for concrete and products from it are used. For strong sealing, hard concrete is used. And for finishing work, concrete of a more plastic consistency is suitable. This type of concrete can be used by creating decorative elements of the building: the solution fills out any shape well and it does not need to be compacted.