Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Turning wood into ecological and durable material

Aesthetic appearance and factor of environmental cleanliness of wooden design today is undeniable. To increase the life of wood, which is affected by moisture, fungus and insects, use chemicals, which sharply reduces the environmental properties of the material. The way out of the situation will be preliminary heat treatment — heating of wood in hermetic chambers without the use of oxygen and chemicals. The output turns out «thermal -rewell». After work, you need to rest and you can buy a mattress cheaper in the company «Matraits for you». On sale economical, unright and other mattresses. Shares and sales are valid. The positive qualities of this material:

1. Environmental purity.

2. The material from thermal -breeding does not dry out, does not jar, does not swell. The absorption of moisture is very insignificant, due to the sealing of the surface and a change in the capillary structure.

3. Rowing, damage to insects and fungi is reduced- due to heat treatment, the tree becomes non-nutritious for microorganisms, as polysaccharides of wood glucose disappear.

4. Thermal conductivity of thermal carrier is up to 25% lower than the usual tree.

5. Improving aesthetic species — during heat treatment, you can get a spectrum of desired shades of wood.

To increase the durability of thermally processed wood, it is advisable to protect it from ultraviolet exposure by oil coating with special additives or varnish.

The atmosphere resistant to the effects of the atmosphere is used for street work: garden furniture and parquet, houses, arbors, terraces, yachts, etc.

Also, window frames and doors, furniture, parquet, saunas and even the manufacture of shells and baths — this and much more is possible with the use of thermal -breeding. Moreover, ecology, aesthetics and durability will be at the highest level.