Types of roofs

The roof in the house is one of the important supporting structures. It is designed to protect the entire building from the wind, atmospheric precipitation and preserve the internal climate in the rooms. The roof should be durable, have excellent hydraulic — and thermal insulation qualities. Among other things, the choice of shape and appearance of the roof completes the integrity of the entire structure and gives it a certain style. Roofs in their form can have several types, the most common of which in private development are single -sloping, gable and broken. One -to -shuttle have one inclined surface. It is usually oriented on the windward side for better protection of the house from precipitation. Such roofs are simple in the structure of the design and economical.

A more common solution for small buildings are gable roofs. They look like a triangle on the end side and are also simple in the construction. The angle of inclination of the planes depends on the technical features and size of the roof. Broken roofs are inherent in houses where there is an attic. The surface of such a roof is made up by four planes interconnected at a blunt angle. The size of the roof overhang is determined by the need to protect against the rain of buildings or sidewalks below.