Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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What is reinforcement

The reinforcement is a special metal product designed to strengthen and strengthen reinforced concrete structures, the connection of its different elements, and thus, ensuring the reliability, stability, strength and durability of the entire structure or building as a whole. The reinforcement is a special metal product designed to strengthen and strengthen reinforced concrete structures, the connection of its different elements, and thus, ensuring the reliability, stability, strength and durability of the entire structure or building as a whole.

In addition to steel reinforcement, made using hot skiing technology, in some structures, cold wire reinforcement is also used. Also, depending on the conditions of application, the reinforcement is divided into intense and not strained.

In addition to construction reinforcement used directly to strengthen, and the tradition of new properties by reinforced concrete elements of the structure, there is also a pipeline, lighting, locking, stove, electrical valves, and reinforcement for the foundation.

Unlike construction reinforcement, these types imply a combination of various kinds of details, elements and devices necessary to ensure the correct and stable operation of the main device, but not in its composition.

For example, the reinforcement is – Special devices, most often valves, for overlapping the water flow used in the installation of waterways, and lighting reinforcement – The set of additional devices for lighting devices, the main purpose of which is decorating, decoration, as well as a rational distribution of light flow and improve the quality characteristics of the light source.