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What should be considered when choosing an auto crane

The construction business is out of the crisis and is gaining momentum. Small cottages and luxurious houses, economy class real estate and elite are being built … But no matter what is being built at the construction site, construction equipment is necessary. This also applies to autocrans, without which it is impossible to conduct high -rise construction.

What should be considered if you need to buy or rent a car crane?

First of all, you need to decide which cargo will move the car cabbage, mass, condition and dimensions of the cargo. If its mass is large enough, then you will need a car crane with a large carrying capacity. From this point of view, autocrains are divided into 8 species with a carrying capacity of 4-160 tons.

The most popular are KamAZ auto crackers capable of lifting to 25 tons, and with certain actions and up to 32 tons. It is important that such cranes have a circular working area, which helps to significantly save time. If there are no conditions for the gaming of the beams, then the abbreviated circuit is used. It is also important the convenience of the cabin for the autocrane operator. In cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons, the cabin is conveniently designed, the devices have smooth control. With the help of such a crane, work will be carried out efficiently and quickly.

Such a characteristic of an auto crane as stability that eliminates emergency situations is important. It is also necessary to take into account the condition and surface parameters on which work is carried out and where the crane will be located, as well as reliable and evenly fixing the cargo.

In any case, you should not save on the autocrane. As you know, he pays a stingy twice, and it is better to overpay when buying or renting a crane than to spend time and money on redistribution or various payments to victims. It is recommended to buy and rent auto cracers in specialized stores and companies where specialists will help you.